Forest Grove stands for Family, Inclusion, and Integrity.

Curiosity ignites something within us all, and we are glad you decided to take a look. We may be small, but we are igniting Bright Futures, and our hands-on learning environment allows us to provide first-class, quality academics for students in Head Start through 8th grade. A friendly and supportive atmosphere makes you proud to call yourself a Forest Grove Fire Chief! Welcome to Forest Grove Public School!

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Forest Grove School recognizes the need for providing faculty the tools to teach with. All of our kindergarten through third grade teachers and our special education teacher undergo rigorous professional development through IMSE (Institute for Multi-Sensory Education). This training provides teachers with a direct, explicit, sequential, and systematic instructional approach to teaching reading. By going beyond workbooks and lessons to train educators on the science behind its proven reading instruction, IMSE Impact drives measurable and long-lasting results for readers of all levels.

Forest Grove School has a team of five educators who are certified Behavior Intervention Specialists who are trained to evaluate student behaviors, formulate a behavior intervention plan, and carry out and/or monitor the implementation of the behavior intervention plan with the ultimate goal of producing students who can flourish in our society.

Lastly, 75% of the faculty at Forest Grove School holds and/or is working on advanced degrees in education. Several faculty members possess more than one advanced degree. Forest Grove School prides itself in the diversity of our staff's educational backgrounds.

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2nd grade

FAMILY is a value that we live out every day, whether it is an administrator greeting students and opening their doors in the morning during drop-off or finding out how to help a family in need. We go the extra mile, not because we must, but because we want to and because our students and staff become part of our family.

Like any family, we don't always want to play together, but we overcome it, resolve issues, and work together to support one another. In the end, family is one of the most important things we have, and we believe that so much her at the Grove that it is one of our core values!

Our family is small, friendly, and incredibly supportive; this sets us apart from the crowd!

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students working on project together

INCLUSION is getting to know our students and staff personally and respecting the background, differences, and abilities they bring to the table. At the Grove, we fully believe in including every person no matter their abilities or beliefs!

Inclusion starts with communication. We believe in communicating with our families as this helps us provide a more supportive environment. We know that having diverse perspectives helps us generate better ideas and work together.

Everyone is welcome at the Grove! We strive to foster a sense of belonging and empowerment for our students and staff. We create this environment by listening to one another, being authentic and genuine, and providing a comfortable place where our students are empowered to learn and grow.

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1st grade student in classroom.

INTEGRITY is part of the compass that we use to guide us. It is a combination of social harmony, action, truth, honesty, and justice that we live out in our daily walk as Fire Chiefs at the Grove. We model integrity through responsible actions, showing respect to others and or belongings, treating others with fairness, being trustworthy individuals, and being honest to others and ourselves.

Students who stand up for their principles have a higher degree of self-sufficiency. Integrity carries on through our entire life, eventually leading to civically engaged students and students who have a solid commitment to helping the greater good.

When we live in integrity with ourselves and each other, we know how to walk the walk and talk the talk. We show up consistently in our responses, and we show up every day prepared. Integrity is not just a value at Forest Grove; it is a culture!